Noah turned two! We had the best time. We decided to have a bonfire every year, just the three of us. Noah was so happy at the beach, flying a kite with daddy, riding his scooter all around, roasting hot dogs and smores. He was smiling and full of joy. It was contagious. We got just the spot we wanted...the pit right by the rocks that we'd been eyeing for months. Grandma and Grandpa stopped by on their way to Mammoth, and so did Uncle John. Noah was so happy to see them. After the bonfire, Uncle came back to our house and we lit the birthday ring (which Noah blew out over and over again; he was so proud that he could blow out the candles all on his own!). We also had the fabulously yummy cake I made for Noah (yummy chocolate vegan, sugar-less cake, to die for! recipe to come...) with some vanilla ice cream. Noah's kind of over the cake, but he keeps asking for that ice cream! I even let him have some for breakfast the other day (shhh don't tell). So all in all it was such an awesome, low stress, relaxing, fun birthday and we can't wait for the next one! Happy birthday my little man. You are my love and inspiration. For you I am so grateful and blessed. You deserve the best and the most love I can give in my heart. xoxo