Noah will be two this Friday and I can't believe it. We decided that every year on his birthday, we will have a bonfire, just the three of us. I'm going to bake him a chocolate vegan sugar-less cake and I hope he loves it! We bought him a scooter and he picked it up real quick. he loves taking it back and forth across the condo. He still needs to figure out the steering, but he has the whole kick thing down! I also just bought him a Waldorf-inspired birthday ring. It has a nautical theme (what with the beach/bonfire tradition we are creating). It is so beautiful and I can't wait to light the candles for him and watch his reaction. I really want to focus on being there for Noah, in the present moment, because seeing how fast these two years have gone by, I don't want to take one more moment for granted. He's been such an inspiration. He's my little angel, my babydoll, my stinkybutt, my stinkito, my sugarpie. I just love that little guy. He's the best thing that ever happened to me.
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