This post is a little late, but I really want to blog about our summer fun in Mammoth! We stayed for a week in August and had a blast. Simon and I went mountain biking (we biked alllll the way down Mammoth Mountain!) We paid for a two hour long lesson with a pro, which was totally worth the money...he took us to the head of the lines and actually stayed with us for four hours total. It was grueling and very technical, but totally worth it.
Noah loves Mammoth...he asks to go nearly every day and always has a blast. A few weeks ago, he was sick, and do you know what he said would make him feel better? Going to Mammoth! This year was special because he was old enough to take part in some of the mountain activities like zip lining and rock wall climbing. He was so fearless! Until he got to the top of the rock wall and then looked down. He had a look of panic. I don't think he was paying attention to how high he was going during his ascent. Of course we also rode the gondola (which Noah *loves*) and ate way too much ice cream.
We are so lucky to have Grandma and Grandpa's condo to stay in and that they freely give their time watching Noah so that Simon and I can have some fun couple time. We couldn't have gone mountain biking or out to dinner at the local pub without their help watching Noah. We can't wait to go back in a few weeks for Christmas!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
So we broke down and got annual passes to Disneyland. We were going quite a bit the past month, averaging twice a week! The ticket attendants never believed Noah wasn't three, although now we actually do need to purchase a pass for him since his birthday already passed. Noah loves riding the train, visiting Goofy's house, riding Pirates of the Caribbean, the Rockets, and Dumbo. He's been on Pinnocchio, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, the Tea Cups, and I think that's it so far. Oh yeah, he *loves* Tarzan's tree house. That exhibit will give you some buns with all the stair climbing!
He's actually tall enough to ride almost all the rides, but I don't know if he's emotionally ready. We took him on a small roller coaster in Toon Town, but I think it slightly freaked him out. Maybe because daddy told him to hold up his hands? I think that made him feel insecure. I know it makes me insecure on rides when I hold up my hands.
So we are Disneyland locals for sure now!
He's actually tall enough to ride almost all the rides, but I don't know if he's emotionally ready. We took him on a small roller coaster in Toon Town, but I think it slightly freaked him out. Maybe because daddy told him to hold up his hands? I think that made him feel insecure. I know it makes me insecure on rides when I hold up my hands.
So we are Disneyland locals for sure now!
Farmer's Market
Every Thursday, Noah and I head on down to the Costa Mesa Farmer's Market. We both love our trips there. We start out at the Kettle Corn stand, head on over to the hummus stand, and then load up on fruits and veggies, sometimes eggs. Then we stroll over to Centennial Farm and visit the goose and windmill, enjoying the rest of our kettle corn. Noah's a little apprehensive around the loud honking goose but is intrigued nonetheless. If it's open, we visit the farm, or else Noah pushes the stroller back and forth around the fairgrounds. After the farmer's market, we head to a park and enjoy our hummus and fresh pita bread. Yum! We really enjoy our Thursdays and look forward to the farmer's market every week:)
That was easy!
So Noah is potty trained! Whew! After he turned three, I decided it was time. We had read lots of books, talked a lot about using the potty, and he dabbled in going pee in the toilet here and there. So basically I just told him we weren't going to wear diapers anymore (except during nap and night time) and he was down. He did ask for diapers here and there, but I prompted him to just go in the toilet. After a few accidents the first few days, and some delays in going #2 on the toilet, he got it. Just like that. No rewards, lots of praise, and a few accidents and then two weeks later, we are fully potty trained. I guess you would call it potty learned. So the combo for us was: Noah was ready, I was ready, we put slight pressure on him, and we took the diapers away completely. Now he can hold it like a champ and go anywhere. Even went #2 at Starbuck's the other day. I have to admit, I thought it would be a lot more time consuming, stressful, and drawn out. Not so! Congratulations big man!
Did I mention Noah turned three? "I'm a big boy" is his favorite phrase. Let me tell you a little about his birthday...
We had a little pre-birthday celebration at the Waldorf school. It was so sweet...I was a weepy mess and Noah was so proud. He happily followed Ms. Uschi to his little "throne" and wore a beautiful handmade flower crown along with a little cape. Ms. Uschi told a traditional Waldorf birthday story, detailing how he made it to Earth, while Ms. Rusty played beautiful music on her guitar. Then Noah paraded in front of his classmates, was given a handmade birthday card from Ms. Uschi, and all the children brought Noah a flower. He happily accepted them. Sooooo sweet. I had to explain to him that my tears were tears of joy, as he was quite concerned that I was crying. Then, after blowing out the candles, he devoured the cupcakes I made for the class. He was pretty stoked on those cupcakes!
So that was Friday. I spent most of the night baking his cake after he went to bed that night. Noah wanted a "chocolate cake with white frosting, with hotwheel cars and m & m's". So that's what he got! I'll post pics later. I also spent the better part of the night decorating with some cool hotwheels decorations I found...a Happy Birthday banner, Hotwheels hanging cars, a Hotwheels sticker book and tatoos, along with the traditional birthday ring he just loves playing with every year (and blowing out the candles over and over again).
Might I add that this year was so much fun, as Noah is fully aware it is his birthday. Weeks prior, he was telling everyone his birthday was coming up, holding up three fingers as he professed his age of coming, and waking up most mornings wondering if it was indeed his birthday.
So Saturday he woke up to his little decorations, to which he replied over and over, "Wow! Wow!" Then, to his delight, I made him pancakes with vanilla ice cream on top. Could this day get any better? Yes! He opened his new all natural wooden tool set and Daddy showed him the ropes. Then, our neighbors, the Currens (Jen, Gavin, Tegan, and Camryn), came with us to the Waldorf May Faire. Noah ate cookies, made a paper kite and ran around with the kids. Then it was nap time so he could rest up for the bonfire later that evening. We headed to the beach around 6:00pm with our neighbors and grandma and grandpa. Noah had fun with the girls (as usual!) and roasted hot dogs and smores. He loves bonfires as do we!
Then we headed home for the final treat of the day...mama's homemade cake (Noah couldn't believe his eyes and couldn't decide what to focus on...the cars, m &m's, or frosting, so he dove right into the frosting, took off a few m&m's, and rode the cars through the frosting!) We all sang Happy Birthday and he blew out the candles on the cake and the birthday ring. After inhaling the cake, he played with the kids and his new awesome tree fort (from grandma) then settled in for a long, well-deserved rest.
Happy Birthday sweet boy! We loooooove brighten our lives. xoxoxoxoxoxo
We had a little pre-birthday celebration at the Waldorf school. It was so sweet...I was a weepy mess and Noah was so proud. He happily followed Ms. Uschi to his little "throne" and wore a beautiful handmade flower crown along with a little cape. Ms. Uschi told a traditional Waldorf birthday story, detailing how he made it to Earth, while Ms. Rusty played beautiful music on her guitar. Then Noah paraded in front of his classmates, was given a handmade birthday card from Ms. Uschi, and all the children brought Noah a flower. He happily accepted them. Sooooo sweet. I had to explain to him that my tears were tears of joy, as he was quite concerned that I was crying. Then, after blowing out the candles, he devoured the cupcakes I made for the class. He was pretty stoked on those cupcakes!
So that was Friday. I spent most of the night baking his cake after he went to bed that night. Noah wanted a "chocolate cake with white frosting, with hotwheel cars and m & m's". So that's what he got! I'll post pics later. I also spent the better part of the night decorating with some cool hotwheels decorations I found...a Happy Birthday banner, Hotwheels hanging cars, a Hotwheels sticker book and tatoos, along with the traditional birthday ring he just loves playing with every year (and blowing out the candles over and over again).
Might I add that this year was so much fun, as Noah is fully aware it is his birthday. Weeks prior, he was telling everyone his birthday was coming up, holding up three fingers as he professed his age of coming, and waking up most mornings wondering if it was indeed his birthday.
So Saturday he woke up to his little decorations, to which he replied over and over, "Wow! Wow!" Then, to his delight, I made him pancakes with vanilla ice cream on top. Could this day get any better? Yes! He opened his new all natural wooden tool set and Daddy showed him the ropes. Then, our neighbors, the Currens (Jen, Gavin, Tegan, and Camryn), came with us to the Waldorf May Faire. Noah ate cookies, made a paper kite and ran around with the kids. Then it was nap time so he could rest up for the bonfire later that evening. We headed to the beach around 6:00pm with our neighbors and grandma and grandpa. Noah had fun with the girls (as usual!) and roasted hot dogs and smores. He loves bonfires as do we!
Then we headed home for the final treat of the day...mama's homemade cake (Noah couldn't believe his eyes and couldn't decide what to focus on...the cars, m &m's, or frosting, so he dove right into the frosting, took off a few m&m's, and rode the cars through the frosting!) We all sang Happy Birthday and he blew out the candles on the cake and the birthday ring. After inhaling the cake, he played with the kids and his new awesome tree fort (from grandma) then settled in for a long, well-deserved rest.
Happy Birthday sweet boy! We loooooove brighten our lives. xoxoxoxoxoxo
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Boy's Best Friend

Noah is becoming quite attached to Oliver. I think they're both getting over their little jealousy thing they had going with each other. Noah loves to go to the doggie beach and chase Oliver around. And a trip to the park just isn't the same without Oliver to run around in the grass with. Noah asks where Oliver is frequently throughout the day and is moving beyond pestering him to caring for him and showing him some love. I even caught him a few times having a one-sided conversation with Oliver. When I asked Noah if he was talking to Oliver, he replied (embarrassed), "No, Oliver doesn't talk." It's pretty cute seeing them cuddle on the chair together too.
Waldorf Playgroups
Every Friday morning from 8:45 am - 11:00 am, Noah and I go to the Waldorf Playgroups. Noah loves his teacher, Ms. Uschi, a sweet German lady who really has a way with children. It was a little difficult in the beginning for Noah to adjust to a more structured environment and sit still when necessary, but now he's really blossoming and knows the routine. Here's a rundown of what we do there:
The children come in and take off their shoes, then have about a half hour of free play. The toys are all natural, beautifully simple, and mostly handmade. Lots of open, imaginative play things. While the tots are playing, the mamas work on some sort of craft...we've made spiders, sun babies, silks, knitted hens, boats from pods, acorn gnomes, felted gnomes, and apple stamped paper, to name a few. I'd love to post pictures soon. When the dusty gnome comes out, it is time to clean up all the toys and crafts.
Then it is time for handwashing and snack. Snacks are brought in by the parents and are usually organic, wholesome foods. After snack, the kiddos go outside for some free play. There's a sandbox, beautiful gardens to skip through, and haystacks to toddle across. When Ms. Uschi plays her flute it is time to go inside for circle and story time. We all gather in a circle and sing songs with movement. Ms. Rusty sings along and plays beautiful music on her guitar and kinderharp. Then the children sit on a silk rainbow and are encouraged to quietly sit still and listen to a story, which usually relates to the season or an event coming up. The story is uniquely told by heart by Ms. Uschi and usually includes a scene with crafted items Ms. Uschi has lovingly made by hand.
Lastly, the children dance to the goodbye song and then go outside to the big playground and play with the next playgroup. Noah and I have a ritual of going to Starbuck's afterward for a little hot or cold treat. We both really look forward to our Fridays at the Waldorf school:)
The children come in and take off their shoes, then have about a half hour of free play. The toys are all natural, beautifully simple, and mostly handmade. Lots of open, imaginative play things. While the tots are playing, the mamas work on some sort of craft...we've made spiders, sun babies, silks, knitted hens, boats from pods, acorn gnomes, felted gnomes, and apple stamped paper, to name a few. I'd love to post pictures soon. When the dusty gnome comes out, it is time to clean up all the toys and crafts.
Then it is time for handwashing and snack. Snacks are brought in by the parents and are usually organic, wholesome foods. After snack, the kiddos go outside for some free play. There's a sandbox, beautiful gardens to skip through, and haystacks to toddle across. When Ms. Uschi plays her flute it is time to go inside for circle and story time. We all gather in a circle and sing songs with movement. Ms. Rusty sings along and plays beautiful music on her guitar and kinderharp. Then the children sit on a silk rainbow and are encouraged to quietly sit still and listen to a story, which usually relates to the season or an event coming up. The story is uniquely told by heart by Ms. Uschi and usually includes a scene with crafted items Ms. Uschi has lovingly made by hand.
Lastly, the children dance to the goodbye song and then go outside to the big playground and play with the next playgroup. Noah and I have a ritual of going to Starbuck's afterward for a little hot or cold treat. We both really look forward to our Fridays at the Waldorf school:)
Friday, April 17, 2009
Catching up
So here we are...I am having a hard time journaling every day so I'll just do the best I can! That's a more reasonable goal!
Noah's been quite a handful lately. Screaming every time he's upset, saying the S word, and basically showing me that he is indeed turning three in a few weeks. Ah the peaceful time we've been enjoying since the last six-month disequilibrium arose is coming to an end. I haven't been keeping my temper in check either, so we've entered this vicious cycle where he yells, I tell him we don't yell, then I lose it and end up yelling...the very thing I'm getting on him about. It's so hard sticking to the whole no-punishment-gentle parenting-thing. I feel like he does need consequences, but it's hard to draw the line between consequence and punishment. I read that I'm just suppose to walk away, as opposed to sending him away, when he disrespects me and explain to him that I don't want to be around him when he treats me like that. But that's kinda like punishment to me. I don't know. It's getting sooooo old repeating myself day after day...Noah time to get dressed, time to eat, time to take a nap, time to brush your teeth, time to get in the car, time to leave. He'll even say, "Let's go left." and I'll think I'm giving him what he wants and being flexible by going left. Then he wants to do the complete opposite. I give up! I am so exhausted from trying to empathize and keep up with his whirlwind moods and very vocal way of expressing frustration that by the time it's time for a break, I don't even have the energy to do something fun.
On a positive note, I saw videos of baby Noah last night that totally melted my heart. Here I go being Debbie Downer again...I also felt guilty...that I didn't really remember a lot of it. I also felt very anxious watching times when he was frustrated. I've had a really hard time dealing with Noah's way of expressing frustration from the time he was born...he gets frustrated very easily and is very loud, whiny and vocal about it...always has been. When he's this upset, he doesn't want my help...wants to figure it out I try to empathize with him, let him know I understand his frustration. But he's so damn loud that he can't even hear me trying to attempt to verbalize his feelings of frustration. I just feel so helpless and lost lately. I feel like I'm not a very good parent lately...not very patient or setting a good example and like he doesn't really like me. I feel like I'm always the bad guy and always resorting to yelling. Not good. I want another baby, but lately I don't know how I'm going to handle it. I pray to God I get a mellow one this time around...
Noah's been quite a handful lately. Screaming every time he's upset, saying the S word, and basically showing me that he is indeed turning three in a few weeks. Ah the peaceful time we've been enjoying since the last six-month disequilibrium arose is coming to an end. I haven't been keeping my temper in check either, so we've entered this vicious cycle where he yells, I tell him we don't yell, then I lose it and end up yelling...the very thing I'm getting on him about. It's so hard sticking to the whole no-punishment-gentle parenting-thing. I feel like he does need consequences, but it's hard to draw the line between consequence and punishment. I read that I'm just suppose to walk away, as opposed to sending him away, when he disrespects me and explain to him that I don't want to be around him when he treats me like that. But that's kinda like punishment to me. I don't know. It's getting sooooo old repeating myself day after day...Noah time to get dressed, time to eat, time to take a nap, time to brush your teeth, time to get in the car, time to leave. He'll even say, "Let's go left." and I'll think I'm giving him what he wants and being flexible by going left. Then he wants to do the complete opposite. I give up! I am so exhausted from trying to empathize and keep up with his whirlwind moods and very vocal way of expressing frustration that by the time it's time for a break, I don't even have the energy to do something fun.
On a positive note, I saw videos of baby Noah last night that totally melted my heart. Here I go being Debbie Downer again...I also felt guilty...that I didn't really remember a lot of it. I also felt very anxious watching times when he was frustrated. I've had a really hard time dealing with Noah's way of expressing frustration from the time he was born...he gets frustrated very easily and is very loud, whiny and vocal about it...always has been. When he's this upset, he doesn't want my help...wants to figure it out I try to empathize with him, let him know I understand his frustration. But he's so damn loud that he can't even hear me trying to attempt to verbalize his feelings of frustration. I just feel so helpless and lost lately. I feel like I'm not a very good parent lately...not very patient or setting a good example and like he doesn't really like me. I feel like I'm always the bad guy and always resorting to yelling. Not good. I want another baby, but lately I don't know how I'm going to handle it. I pray to God I get a mellow one this time around...
Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday 3/30/09
Today was kinda uneventful. We went to Tot Time at this gymnastics place, which Noah loves. They have trampolines, big foam pits to jump in and swing across on ropes, and all good things rough and rumble. Noah had fun running around and goofing off with a little sweet boy named Asher. I actually found myself bored today, since Noah usually wants me to be his little shadow everywhere he goes. This makes me even more ready for a baby! Did I mention I have baby fever?!
The rest of the day was spent eating too much, cleaning, doing laundry, and trying to get Noah to take a nap. Then Uncle came over to watch Noah while I visited my ND. That was very uplifting! She was so encouraging and supportive of us trying to have another baby. Then I brought home some yummy Greek food and put that tired litte boy to bed. Daddy was home early tonight from teaching so we had some nice time to spend together with Noah asleep and all. A pretty good day all around! :)
Oh yeah! We have two little red strawberries in our garden! So excited! Noah can't wait to try them!:)
This is what we planted so far:
The rest of the day was spent eating too much, cleaning, doing laundry, and trying to get Noah to take a nap. Then Uncle came over to watch Noah while I visited my ND. That was very uplifting! She was so encouraging and supportive of us trying to have another baby. Then I brought home some yummy Greek food and put that tired litte boy to bed. Daddy was home early tonight from teaching so we had some nice time to spend together with Noah asleep and all. A pretty good day all around! :)
Oh yeah! We have two little red strawberries in our garden! So excited! Noah can't wait to try them!:)
This is what we planted so far:
- spinach
- strawberries
- collards
- cauliflower
- celery
- red leaf lettuce
- artichoke
- basil
- cilantro
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sunday 3/29/09
Oops! Missed yesterday! Not much to report, though. Kind of a rough day yesterday...Daddy went surfing and to the gym and I took Noah to the park with Oliver. Noah rode his bike. When we got there, Noah ran around a bit and then proceeded to run away from me, ignoring my requests to stay near me or come back. Lugging his bike around with a stubborn doggy was not fun and I wasn't in the mood to chase Noah around. So we ended up going back home early. Noah went to the beach, as it was a beautiful day, with Daddy while I got my hair cut and worked out at the gym. When I got back, Noah was still asleep with Daddy on the chair so I had a few hours to myself. Then they picked up Mother's for dinner (yum!) and Daddy went out while Noah and I played with the cars and watched figure skating. My little Saturday night date!
Today, Sunday, we went to Disneyland! What a treat that was. We rode the carousel, Pinnochio, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Noah was super patient, especially compared to the last time we went. He really understands so much now and it's getting a lot easier to take him places. I guess that's why I have baby fever! I feel like we might actually be able to handle it now. We have season passes to Disneyland now so I'll have much more to report about our D-land adventures in the future I'm sure! When we got back from Disneyland, I took Noah for a run in the BOB and then we went to the park. Noah had a blast playing tag and hide and go seek with some really sweet children so he was happy! And I was happy seeing him have so much fun with other kids...he really needs that now and it's such a treat to watch him interact with other kids. Love that kid...
Today, Sunday, we went to Disneyland! What a treat that was. We rode the carousel, Pinnochio, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Noah was super patient, especially compared to the last time we went. He really understands so much now and it's getting a lot easier to take him places. I guess that's why I have baby fever! I feel like we might actually be able to handle it now. We have season passes to Disneyland now so I'll have much more to report about our D-land adventures in the future I'm sure! When we got back from Disneyland, I took Noah for a run in the BOB and then we went to the park. Noah had a blast playing tag and hide and go seek with some really sweet children so he was happy! And I was happy seeing him have so much fun with other kids...he really needs that now and it's such a treat to watch him interact with other kids. Love that kid...
Friday, March 27, 2009
Friday 3/27/09
I'm going to try something new...journaling our daily life. I've procrastinated because I thought I'm too far behind so why bother, but now I'm just going for it. Better late than never. Noah had playgroup today at the Waldorf School. He's been waking up so late and basically does the opposite of whatever I ask him to do (get dressed, eat, get in the car, etc.) so we're always at least ten minutes late. But we got there and Noah had a blast (I did too!). We made a cute little knitted hen and Noah made a new friend, Luke. His mama, Mango, is a sweetheart and takes care of all the plants at the school. She's teaching me a few things with her green thumb. Noah is really doing well at school...knows the routine now and follows it. He especially likes snack time! He's known as the muffin man because he just loves all things muffins and gets super excited when they're served up as snack! Noah is learning that he can actually play with other children and that it's actually quite fun! Maybe even more fun than mommy or daddy or the other adults in his life who he's become so accustomed to playing with. It's so neat to see him blossom in this area. He's quite affectionate too...wrestling, hugging, even looked like he tried to plant one on Luke today! So cute and innocent. I'm so excited for him. His current friends, whom he asks for by name quite often, are Gavin, Aidan and Jay.
Noah didn't take a nap today (like most days lately, or he goes down wayy to late for a nap). Some cousins from Canada stopped by, Jacque, Mike, their son Steven, and his friend Brett. They are lovely and down to earth, so easy to be with. Noah was really tired really early so we put him down to bed. He's still crashed out next to me right now. We ordered pizza for dinner, yum!, and Mommy and Daddy got to watch Milk on demand since Noah went down early. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband and son is so bright and energetic and just glows with enthusiasm. It's contagious. Simon listens to me go on and on about life and all my plans, hopes, worries, excitements and for that I am so grateful. Sometimes a girl just needs to get it all off her chest! Especially when Noah gets pretty possessive of me any time I try to have a conversation with an adult in his presence. But he's getting better. I know I'll miss these days when I was his world:)
Noah didn't take a nap today (like most days lately, or he goes down wayy to late for a nap). Some cousins from Canada stopped by, Jacque, Mike, their son Steven, and his friend Brett. They are lovely and down to earth, so easy to be with. Noah was really tired really early so we put him down to bed. He's still crashed out next to me right now. We ordered pizza for dinner, yum!, and Mommy and Daddy got to watch Milk on demand since Noah went down early. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband and son is so bright and energetic and just glows with enthusiasm. It's contagious. Simon listens to me go on and on about life and all my plans, hopes, worries, excitements and for that I am so grateful. Sometimes a girl just needs to get it all off her chest! Especially when Noah gets pretty possessive of me any time I try to have a conversation with an adult in his presence. But he's getting better. I know I'll miss these days when I was his world:)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Itsy Bitsy Yoga
Last week Noah and I tried out this cute little mommy and me yoga class in Laguna Beach with some friends. Noah was slightly distracted in the class, but would do the poses with a little encouragement from the sweet, patient instructor. I bought a book with yoga routines for toddlers and began incorporating one of the routines into our home life. Noah loves it! He asks to do yoga all the time, specifically downward dog, lunge, and warrior poses. He's pretty good at it! I learned some poses that are suppose to calm "spirited" children (like Noah!) and help digestion and sleep. I'm excited to share something I am passionate about with him and it's great to have yet another bonding activity for us to enjoy together during our sometimes long days. I hope it instills a respect for the mind-body connection in him and that he can build on this foundation with healthy outlets later in life. We're so lucky to be able to do things like this together!
Potty Learning...
Noah is learning to use the potty! He is 33 months old now. We've been talking about it for a long time, reading books, using encouragement (and trying to avoid the whole "training" thing) and now he is actually motivated and making the connection! It's very exciting and I'm proud of him for learning all on his own, on his own terms. He's been going around the house nakey for awhile, having a few accidents here and there and going in the toilet once in awhile with some encouragement, but about 95% of the time, he goes to the toilet on his own. Sometimes when we put his pants on or undies, he forgets and the connection is somewhat lost, but in the familiar places (home, parks) he definitely has the connection. He even went #2 the other day, which I was worried might never happen! Here's a funny story. The other day we were at a park with no bathrooms and I told Noah he could go on the grass. He pulled his pants down right in front of two teenagers and proceeded to release himself! They were mortified and embarrassed, while Noah and I were super excited!
I can't believe how fast my little guy is growing up...
I can't believe how fast my little guy is growing up...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentine's Day
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I've decided to continue my tradition of giving Noah a book as a gift every year. This year I bought him On the Night You Were Born. Last year I bought him I Love You Every Little Bit. I guess I'm keeping it mushy as long as I can!
Noah is really enjoying the Waldorf playgroups. We made Valentines to give out to the other kids and Noah's teachers, Ms. Uschi and Ms. Lorna. Noah used watercolors to paint red hearts, then we glued white doilies on them together. Daddy cut out the hearts and then tied little silver sparkly bows on each Valentine, along with a little message. I'll post them later:) This was so much more fun and meaningful than just buying some Valentines at the store to hand out. This was also our week to bring snack so we made some cute little heart-shaped banana muffins, hard boiled eggs, and strawberries. Unfortunately, Noah is getting over a cold, so we could not be there to celebrate the festivities. Bummer:(
Noah is really enjoying the Waldorf playgroups. We made Valentines to give out to the other kids and Noah's teachers, Ms. Uschi and Ms. Lorna. Noah used watercolors to paint red hearts, then we glued white doilies on them together. Daddy cut out the hearts and then tied little silver sparkly bows on each Valentine, along with a little message. I'll post them later:) This was so much more fun and meaningful than just buying some Valentines at the store to hand out. This was also our week to bring snack so we made some cute little heart-shaped banana muffins, hard boiled eggs, and strawberries. Unfortunately, Noah is getting over a cold, so we could not be there to celebrate the festivities. Bummer:(
First Friends
I am really enjoying watching Noah blossom in the social area. His first real friend (whom he asked for and talked about) was Gavin, a three-year old boy across the street. Noah started asking for Gavin randomly after hanging out with him a few times and would cry when Gavin left. Then he would say things like, "I love Gavin. I love sharing with Gavin." Soooo cute! (although he doesn't always *really* love sharing with Gavin;)
Noah is also learning that he can not only play with adults, but that he can play *with* other kids (and it's a lot more fun I'm sure). Last weekend at a birthday party, a little girl around four years old grabbed Noah by the arms and said, "Let's play ring around the rosie!" Noah looked dismayed and jolted at first, but after he went along with the game, he had the hugest smile and kept asking her to play again and again. That was the first *real* time he's actually played with instead of next to another child. It was completely heartwarming:)
Today at the park, another little boy, around four years old, named Jake wanted to play with Noah's ball. Noah did NOT want to share. So I suggested they take turns kicking the ball back and forth to each other. After contemplating this idea, Noah reluctantly kicked the ball to Jake (I was secretly giddy inside, as Noah has NOT been following my suggestions lately). They played together for quite awhile, kicking and throwing the ball back and forth to each other. I am so proud of and excited for my little guy!
Noah is also learning that he can not only play with adults, but that he can play *with* other kids (and it's a lot more fun I'm sure). Last weekend at a birthday party, a little girl around four years old grabbed Noah by the arms and said, "Let's play ring around the rosie!" Noah looked dismayed and jolted at first, but after he went along with the game, he had the hugest smile and kept asking her to play again and again. That was the first *real* time he's actually played with instead of next to another child. It was completely heartwarming:)
Today at the park, another little boy, around four years old, named Jake wanted to play with Noah's ball. Noah did NOT want to share. So I suggested they take turns kicking the ball back and forth to each other. After contemplating this idea, Noah reluctantly kicked the ball to Jake (I was secretly giddy inside, as Noah has NOT been following my suggestions lately). They played together for quite awhile, kicking and throwing the ball back and forth to each other. I am so proud of and excited for my little guy!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
First time bowler!

On Sunday we took Noah bowling for the first time at Westminster Lanes and he just loved it! The first two bowling alleys were closed, so it took quite a bit of patience on his part to wait in the car that long. It was me, Noah, Daddy and Grandma. Noah was so excited to put on his bowling shoes. He used a six-pound orange bowling ball, which he effortlessly carried around. We had bumpers and Noah would go right up to the lane to do the squat and roll technique. It was the cutest thing to watch! He would stand there with such finesse, such attitude already, and then turn around with a huge smile, clapping with a skip in his step when the ball hit the pins (and even when it didn't hit the pins!) Then he would give us all a high-five for his efforts. He was having so much fun that he didn't want to wait for his turn. So, the softies we are, we let him eventually just take over the game and gave him our turns. It was all about him anyway! He has lots of time for silly rules, right?!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Oh How I Love My Baby's Kisses...
Noah has become quite affectionate. He'll randomly kiss or hug me and it just melts my heart every time, never gets old. The other day I was (trying to) sleep in while Noah and daddy were playing and Noah came into the bedroom and just planted a kiss on my cheek. He also comes up and gives the most hearwarming tight squeezes. I just love those hugs and kisses and cherish each one! Noah also imitates me at nap/bed time and will put his soft blue blankey over me so carefully and gently, and will then give me soft rubs on my arm or back. I love watching him reflect back to me the loving care he receives from his parents. What a sweety pie!
Cars, cars, cars...
I don't know if it's inherent in boys or what, but Noah is obsessed with his matchbox and hotwheel cars. It started at around age 2 1/2. He loves strategically driving them into the perfect spot and arranging them all just perfectly. Then he proceeds to rearrange them. Don't dare touch one of them! He won't have it! And don't try to move one! Although he has more than I can count, he apparently keeps a running inventory in his head and knows when one is missing. The other day I put one in the diaper bag as an emergency toy. When Noah later went to play with his cars, he immediately noticed it was gone and frantically asked, "Where's the blue car?! WHERE IS THE BLUE CAR?" He also enjoys talking about all the details of each car and rolling them down a self-made ramp. He'll roll all the cars down the ramp, one by one, commenting on where it landed and what it did (spun out, crashed, etc.) and then asks mom or dad (or any other willing party) to pick up all the cars and bring them back to him.
I can't relate...must be a boy thing!
I can't relate...must be a boy thing!
It's Been Sooo Long...
I've not been very good at keeping up with this I'll try to go back in time and recap all that has happened since Noah's second goes!
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