Saturday, April 25, 2009

Waldorf Playgroups

Every Friday morning from 8:45 am - 11:00 am, Noah and I go to the Waldorf Playgroups. Noah loves his teacher, Ms. Uschi, a sweet German lady who really has a way with children. It was a little difficult in the beginning for Noah to adjust to a more structured environment and sit still when necessary, but now he's really blossoming and knows the routine. Here's a rundown of what we do there:

The children come in and take off their shoes, then have about a half hour of free play. The toys are all natural, beautifully simple, and mostly handmade. Lots of open, imaginative play things. While the tots are playing, the mamas work on some sort of craft...we've made spiders, sun babies, silks, knitted hens, boats from pods, acorn gnomes, felted gnomes, and apple stamped paper, to name a few. I'd love to post pictures soon. When the dusty gnome comes out, it is time to clean up all the toys and crafts.

Then it is time for handwashing and snack. Snacks are brought in by the parents and are usually organic, wholesome foods. After snack, the kiddos go outside for some free play. There's a sandbox, beautiful gardens to skip through, and haystacks to toddle across. When Ms. Uschi plays her flute it is time to go inside for circle and story time. We all gather in a circle and sing songs with movement. Ms. Rusty sings along and plays beautiful music on her guitar and kinderharp. Then the children sit on a silk rainbow and are encouraged to quietly sit still and listen to a story, which usually relates to the season or an event coming up. The story is uniquely told by heart by Ms. Uschi and usually includes a scene with crafted items Ms. Uschi has lovingly made by hand.

Lastly, the children dance to the goodbye song and then go outside to the big playground and play with the next playgroup. Noah and I have a ritual of going to Starbuck's afterward for a little hot or cold treat. We both really look forward to our Fridays at the Waldorf school:)

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