Saturday, April 25, 2009

Boy's Best Friend

Noah is becoming quite attached to Oliver. I think they're both getting over their little jealousy thing they had going with each other. Noah loves to go to the doggie beach and chase Oliver around. And a trip to the park just isn't the same without Oliver to run around in the grass with. Noah asks where Oliver is frequently throughout the day and is moving beyond pestering him to caring for him and showing him some love. I even caught him a few times having a one-sided conversation with Oliver. When I asked Noah if he was talking to Oliver, he replied (embarrassed), "No, Oliver doesn't talk." It's pretty cute seeing them cuddle on the chair together too.

Waldorf Playgroups

Every Friday morning from 8:45 am - 11:00 am, Noah and I go to the Waldorf Playgroups. Noah loves his teacher, Ms. Uschi, a sweet German lady who really has a way with children. It was a little difficult in the beginning for Noah to adjust to a more structured environment and sit still when necessary, but now he's really blossoming and knows the routine. Here's a rundown of what we do there:

The children come in and take off their shoes, then have about a half hour of free play. The toys are all natural, beautifully simple, and mostly handmade. Lots of open, imaginative play things. While the tots are playing, the mamas work on some sort of craft...we've made spiders, sun babies, silks, knitted hens, boats from pods, acorn gnomes, felted gnomes, and apple stamped paper, to name a few. I'd love to post pictures soon. When the dusty gnome comes out, it is time to clean up all the toys and crafts.

Then it is time for handwashing and snack. Snacks are brought in by the parents and are usually organic, wholesome foods. After snack, the kiddos go outside for some free play. There's a sandbox, beautiful gardens to skip through, and haystacks to toddle across. When Ms. Uschi plays her flute it is time to go inside for circle and story time. We all gather in a circle and sing songs with movement. Ms. Rusty sings along and plays beautiful music on her guitar and kinderharp. Then the children sit on a silk rainbow and are encouraged to quietly sit still and listen to a story, which usually relates to the season or an event coming up. The story is uniquely told by heart by Ms. Uschi and usually includes a scene with crafted items Ms. Uschi has lovingly made by hand.

Lastly, the children dance to the goodbye song and then go outside to the big playground and play with the next playgroup. Noah and I have a ritual of going to Starbuck's afterward for a little hot or cold treat. We both really look forward to our Fridays at the Waldorf school:)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Catching up

So here we are...I am having a hard time journaling every day so I'll just do the best I can! That's a more reasonable goal!

Noah's been quite a handful lately. Screaming every time he's upset, saying the S word, and basically showing me that he is indeed turning three in a few weeks. Ah the peaceful time we've been enjoying since the last six-month disequilibrium arose is coming to an end. I haven't been keeping my temper in check either, so we've entered this vicious cycle where he yells, I tell him we don't yell, then I lose it and end up yelling...the very thing I'm getting on him about. It's so hard sticking to the whole no-punishment-gentle parenting-thing. I feel like he does need consequences, but it's hard to draw the line between consequence and punishment. I read that I'm just suppose to walk away, as opposed to sending him away, when he disrespects me and explain to him that I don't want to be around him when he treats me like that. But that's kinda like punishment to me. I don't know. It's getting sooooo old repeating myself day after day...Noah time to get dressed, time to eat, time to take a nap, time to brush your teeth, time to get in the car, time to leave. He'll even say, "Let's go left." and I'll think I'm giving him what he wants and being flexible by going left. Then he wants to do the complete opposite. I give up! I am so exhausted from trying to empathize and keep up with his whirlwind moods and very vocal way of expressing frustration that by the time it's time for a break, I don't even have the energy to do something fun.

On a positive note, I saw videos of baby Noah last night that totally melted my heart. Here I go being Debbie Downer again...I also felt guilty...that I didn't really remember a lot of it. I also felt very anxious watching times when he was frustrated. I've had a really hard time dealing with Noah's way of expressing frustration from the time he was born...he gets frustrated very easily and is very loud, whiny and vocal about it...always has been. When he's this upset, he doesn't want my help...wants to figure it out I try to empathize with him, let him know I understand his frustration. But he's so damn loud that he can't even hear me trying to attempt to verbalize his feelings of frustration. I just feel so helpless and lost lately. I feel like I'm not a very good parent lately...not very patient or setting a good example and like he doesn't really like me. I feel like I'm always the bad guy and always resorting to yelling. Not good. I want another baby, but lately I don't know how I'm going to handle it. I pray to God I get a mellow one this time around...