Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday 3/30/09

Today was kinda uneventful. We went to Tot Time at this gymnastics place, which Noah loves. They have trampolines, big foam pits to jump in and swing across on ropes, and all good things rough and rumble. Noah had fun running around and goofing off with a little sweet boy named Asher. I actually found myself bored today, since Noah usually wants me to be his little shadow everywhere he goes. This makes me even more ready for a baby! Did I mention I have baby fever?!

The rest of the day was spent eating too much, cleaning, doing laundry, and trying to get Noah to take a nap. Then Uncle came over to watch Noah while I visited my ND. That was very uplifting! She was so encouraging and supportive of us trying to have another baby. Then I brought home some yummy Greek food and put that tired litte boy to bed. Daddy was home early tonight from teaching so we had some nice time to spend together with Noah asleep and all. A pretty good day all around! :)

Oh yeah! We have two little red strawberries in our garden! So excited! Noah can't wait to try them!:)

This is what we planted so far:

  1. spinach
  2. strawberries
  3. collards
  4. cauliflower
  5. celery
  6. red leaf lettuce
  7. artichoke
  8. basil
  9. cilantro

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday 3/29/09

Oops! Missed yesterday! Not much to report, though. Kind of a rough day yesterday...Daddy went surfing and to the gym and I took Noah to the park with Oliver. Noah rode his bike. When we got there, Noah ran around a bit and then proceeded to run away from me, ignoring my requests to stay near me or come back. Lugging his bike around with a stubborn doggy was not fun and I wasn't in the mood to chase Noah around. So we ended up going back home early. Noah went to the beach, as it was a beautiful day, with Daddy while I got my hair cut and worked out at the gym. When I got back, Noah was still asleep with Daddy on the chair so I had a few hours to myself. Then they picked up Mother's for dinner (yum!) and Daddy went out while Noah and I played with the cars and watched figure skating. My little Saturday night date!

Today, Sunday, we went to Disneyland! What a treat that was. We rode the carousel, Pinnochio, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Noah was super patient, especially compared to the last time we went. He really understands so much now and it's getting a lot easier to take him places. I guess that's why I have baby fever! I feel like we might actually be able to handle it now. We have season passes to Disneyland now so I'll have much more to report about our D-land adventures in the future I'm sure! When we got back from Disneyland, I took Noah for a run in the BOB and then we went to the park. Noah had a blast playing tag and hide and go seek with some really sweet children so he was happy! And I was happy seeing him have so much fun with other kids...he really needs that now and it's such a treat to watch him interact with other kids. Love that kid...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday 3/27/09

I'm going to try something new...journaling our daily life. I've procrastinated because I thought I'm too far behind so why bother, but now I'm just going for it. Better late than never. Noah had playgroup today at the Waldorf School. He's been waking up so late and basically does the opposite of whatever I ask him to do (get dressed, eat, get in the car, etc.) so we're always at least ten minutes late. But we got there and Noah had a blast (I did too!). We made a cute little knitted hen and Noah made a new friend, Luke. His mama, Mango, is a sweetheart and takes care of all the plants at the school. She's teaching me a few things with her green thumb. Noah is really doing well at school...knows the routine now and follows it. He especially likes snack time! He's known as the muffin man because he just loves all things muffins and gets super excited when they're served up as snack! Noah is learning that he can actually play with other children and that it's actually quite fun! Maybe even more fun than mommy or daddy or the other adults in his life who he's become so accustomed to playing with. It's so neat to see him blossom in this area. He's quite affectionate too...wrestling, hugging, even looked like he tried to plant one on Luke today! So cute and innocent. I'm so excited for him. His current friends, whom he asks for by name quite often, are Gavin, Aidan and Jay.

Noah didn't take a nap today (like most days lately, or he goes down wayy to late for a nap). Some cousins from Canada stopped by, Jacque, Mike, their son Steven, and his friend Brett. They are lovely and down to earth, so easy to be with. Noah was really tired really early so we put him down to bed. He's still crashed out next to me right now. We ordered pizza for dinner, yum!, and Mommy and Daddy got to watch Milk on demand since Noah went down early. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband and son is so bright and energetic and just glows with enthusiasm. It's contagious. Simon listens to me go on and on about life and all my plans, hopes, worries, excitements and for that I am so grateful. Sometimes a girl just needs to get it all off her chest! Especially when Noah gets pretty possessive of me any time I try to have a conversation with an adult in his presence. But he's getting better. I know I'll miss these days when I was his world:)