Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday 3/30/09

Today was kinda uneventful. We went to Tot Time at this gymnastics place, which Noah loves. They have trampolines, big foam pits to jump in and swing across on ropes, and all good things rough and rumble. Noah had fun running around and goofing off with a little sweet boy named Asher. I actually found myself bored today, since Noah usually wants me to be his little shadow everywhere he goes. This makes me even more ready for a baby! Did I mention I have baby fever?!

The rest of the day was spent eating too much, cleaning, doing laundry, and trying to get Noah to take a nap. Then Uncle came over to watch Noah while I visited my ND. That was very uplifting! She was so encouraging and supportive of us trying to have another baby. Then I brought home some yummy Greek food and put that tired litte boy to bed. Daddy was home early tonight from teaching so we had some nice time to spend together with Noah asleep and all. A pretty good day all around! :)

Oh yeah! We have two little red strawberries in our garden! So excited! Noah can't wait to try them!:)

This is what we planted so far:

  1. spinach
  2. strawberries
  3. collards
  4. cauliflower
  5. celery
  6. red leaf lettuce
  7. artichoke
  8. basil
  9. cilantro

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